Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Chronicles of Getting Locked Out Volume 1

As promised, I will tell you a tale about getting my keys locked in my trunk.
Last Saturday, on my way back from adventures in Provo, I decided to make a stop at Smith's Marketplace to buy some bedsheets. Yes, Smith's Marketplace carries bedsheets.....and furniture...and clothes....and all that. Needless to say, I was amazed. I mean, the place even has two floors! I, being a first timer, had no idea how to get to the second floor. I saw some elevators, but I couldn't see if my shopping cart would fit...and I was too embarrrassed to try. (AKA I wandered around the store until I saw someone else get on the elevator with their cart...then joined them in the elevator.) Anyway, after my shopping spree, I of course went to put my groceries in the car. On my way out, my roommate Megan called me to tell me we had a couch....and that her parents were bringing it to our place at that very moment. My help was needed to carry it inside. As I was talking on the phone, my cart started rolling down the hill that I was parked on and I had to stop it with my hip. So, in order to juggle everything...I put my keys down on the floor of the trunk. I finished my phone call and putting the groceries in the car...and while still juggling the runaway cart, began to shut the trunk. At the very last possible second, I caught a glimpse of my keys. CLICK. OH CRAP. Like an idiot I desperately tried to lift the trunk in vain. I also checked to see if I had somehow unlocked my car in the chaos. Nope. I called my roommate Megan, told her my dilemma...then called my dad. Well........AAA wouldn't come rescue me, so I had to call a locksmith. So basically I waited for almost an hour and a half to get my keys back. Megan's parents stopped by to hang out with me until I was rescued. And made it home by 7pm...after most of the General Relief Society Broadcast was over. Dang. Worst $134 I spent. (The experience was a lot more traumatic than it sounds on paper, but let's just say that this was actually one of my worst nightmares.)

1 comment:

ChrisBCrazy said...

that sucks! did u not call the police? they hate to do it, but they did it for free for me once.