Monday, September 29, 2008

My Inner Elderly Person

Ok, so I did it. I started a blog. You would think I would have done this much, much earlier...especially since I majored in Communications...but go figure, I guess. Heck, I even wrote a paper discussing whether bloggers could be classified as journalists or not (by the way, Microsoft Word would not recognize "blogger" as a real word, which is highly annoying). Anyway, I was finally confronted by numerous people...and I gave into peer pressure (go figure again).

I also started a blog because I've been experiencing a lot of things that I should blog about. So, here I go.

In high school, I wrote an essay about how I had an inner elderly person. Basically, I was an old lady trapped inside a 17-year-old girl's body. Probably the most hilarious thing I've ever written. Maybe one day I'll post it on here...(trust me, I've saved it). Anyway, that geriatric gem has started manifesting herself on the outside as well. For some reason when I woke up yesterday morning, I pretty much couldn't move. My back was so stiff (well, it still is, and it's killing me). I think I jacked it up when I moved in some of my kitched junk this weekend. I just hope and pray it's not my new mattress....that would be an absolute tragedy. That one set me back quite a bit money-wise. Anyway, I've been walking around in this strange half-bent pose...trying my best to stand up straight. On the way out to my car this morning after work...I glanced at myself in the window and almost died! I looked like I had a major case of osteoporosis!! Hilarious. I'm definitely setting my heating pad to scalding during my slumber today (which of course they advise against, but if I burst into flames, it's my own fault, right?).

Well, I guess that's Post #1.
Still to come....How Maren Locked the Car Keys in the Trunk (and lived to tell about it).


ChrisBCrazy said...

have i ever told you how much i love you! i want more than just ur blog link! i want you!

Megan said...

Hehe, "geriatric gem" = AWESOME.

Also, if you need a quote for your How I Locked My Car Keys in My Trunk (and Lived to Tell the Tale) story, I'm totally there for you.

MeganandClaudy said...

LOVE it. So glad you finally caved. Now I can stalk you and now that I can't see you in the newsroom. I too have an old lady back and heating pads are the BEST thing ever. Good luck getting all the kinks straightened out. Hope you're feeling better...and watch out for this blogging stuff...for us journalists who love to write it can be QUITE addicting...and I would LOVE to read yoru it :)

ashley said...

YOU HAVE A BLOG! YAY! You are an old little woman Maren and I can second this blog post, and I can't remember your old lady name!