Saturday, June 12, 2010
This is the End, My Friend

Friday, April 9, 2010
Thank You Notes

Friday, March 5, 2010
Let's Go Surfing Now

The other day, I came across a show that totally made me want to ralph.. but I just couldn't stop watching. I believe it was called, "My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding." Basically, it's about insanely rich people who spend the equivalent of 5 people's life savings on their wedding. This particular episode kind of made me want to rip my hair out. It was this couple who was a bit older. They both owned their own companies and were independently wealthy, and put their money together.. oh man. Right off the bat, I could tell they were getting married purely for show, not because they loved each other. They would never look each other in the eyes, and during the wedding/circus they could barely stand to kiss. Now let's talk about what they spent their money on..
She had three different designer dresses to wear that night. I think they were about $30,000 each. Ewww. She also bought a pair of earrings that I think cost more than I make in a year or two--without taxes. "Oh honey, I think that's a good price," she says. Wow. I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.
And the wedding itself.. everything had to be crystal. It was insane! It was kind of cool looking, but completely insane. I can't remember everything else they spent their money on, because I think I've tried to block it from my memory. It was just too painful.
Anyway, that's what I get for channel surfing.. a glimpse into the world of the completely insane!
In other news, LOST is going well. I've decided not to nitpick about this final season. I'm just going to repect the show's creators for taking their baby wherever they want to (which I like the way it's headed). I'm just along for the ride!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Beginning of the End

LOST's last season begins this Tuesday. I am so excited! I became obsessed with LOST the summer after Season One. I was too busy during school to watch it, but I knew I wanted to because J.J. Abrams was involved.. and I love Alias! So that summer I went home to work in OK. They played the entire season again and I was hooked! The show is so fun to watch because you get invested in the mystery, mythology, and characters on the island. It's like watching a mini-movie every week.
I'm a little sad it's ending, but I think it's a sweet move. It's the whole "quit while you're ahead" thing. Instead of going and going just to make money, they are preserving the intergrity of the show. After it's all over, I'm going to watch it all in order once again. I thought I would try to watch it all before the final season, but I think it will be more fun watching it all and knowing how it will all end up!
I've actually been envisioning the final scene of LOST. It will be a little similar to the ending of several episodes. The beautiful violin music will be playing--it's the theme that sounds like "doo doooo doo dooo doo dooo dooo doooooo doo." (If you're an avid fan.. you might recognize it.. it always plays when there's some big swell of emotion. It's gorgeous.) And there will be a little montage of each character--wherever they end up. It will end with whoever's living on the island... and then wide shot of the island with the clear blue water and cloudless sky. Then BAM!
And I will probably be crying.
Any shows you're in love with?
(Also.. I will soon post a pic of my tv, so it's easier to name.)
Friday, January 22, 2010
CoCo, Please Don't Go!
Yes, T.V. can be mindless and contain a lot of smut and be damaging in a lot of respects. But, when used wisely, it can teach you, pull you into another world, explore different places, and heck.. even inspire you. And you really don't have to leave your couch to do it. Pretty cool. I mean, I don't recommend you watch it 24/7.. but for all the bad rep it gets.. you can really find some neat stuff. (Maybe this is why I'm in the T.V. biz, even though it can be super frustrating!!)
So because of this.. I have a confession. Every time I watch the last episode of a show, I get a bit sad. Ok, I even shed a few tears! (If you really know me.. you'll know that I cry at the strangest, most importune times! It's really crazy & awful). I did it when I watched the last episode of E.R. (which I did not watch on a regular basis) and Monk. I think it's because I think about if I was in that situation of doing something I loved for so long, but having to move on.. that's hard.
That being said.. I totally cried during Conan's last episode of the "Tonight Show." I could tell he was really doing something he loved--just making people laugh and having fun. His parting words to his fans were also very genuine and inspirational:

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don’t be cynical. I hate cynicism — it’s my least favorite quality and it doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen."
(Picture & quote courtesy ew.com)
And you know, what he said is really true. I honestly believe because I've tried to work hard and be kind and respectful in my job, I gotten a lot of respect from my coworkers. And most of those are middle-aged men. Hard to deal with when you're just a kid!
Let's just say I'd hate to be Jay Leno right now.
Your thoughts?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Leno & CoCo
What team are you on, if any?
Also.. one TV name suggestion: Terri/Terry (depending on the "gender"). T names are good.
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Year, New Blog
To be honest, though, I won't focus on just TV. Movies, music, dumb celebs.. you name it. Does this appeal to you at all? I mean, if you enjoyed the occasional hilarious story from me.... don't worry. I'll sprinkle them in.
First order of business. Since TV & I are so close, he/she needs a name (and a gender, too?). So, my three trusty readers are going to help me name it/she/he!! Please leave your comments for suggestions.
Teaser for next time (aka tonight or tomorrow): my take on the late night fight between Conan & Leno (two words: Team Conan!), LOST, and dumb things celebrities do.
Until then.. peace out, my dears.