Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Beginning of the End

It's Saturday afternoon, and there's totally a LOST special on T.V. right now. Glorious!

(Picture courtesy ABC &

LOST's last season begins this Tuesday. I am so excited! I became obsessed with LOST the summer after Season One. I was too busy during school to watch it, but I knew I wanted to because J.J. Abrams was involved.. and I love Alias! So that summer I went home to work in OK. They played the entire season again and I was hooked! The show is so fun to watch because you get invested in the mystery, mythology, and characters on the island. It's like watching a mini-movie every week.

I'm a little sad it's ending, but I think it's a sweet move. It's the whole "quit while you're ahead" thing. Instead of going and going just to make money, they are preserving the intergrity of the show. After it's all over, I'm going to watch it all in order once again. I thought I would try to watch it all before the final season, but I think it will be more fun watching it all and knowing how it will all end up!

I've actually been envisioning the final scene of LOST. It will be a little similar to the ending of several episodes. The beautiful violin music will be playing--it's the theme that sounds like "doo doooo doo dooo doo dooo dooo doooooo doo." (If you're an avid fan.. you might recognize it.. it always plays when there's some big swell of emotion. It's gorgeous.) And there will be a little montage of each character--wherever they end up. It will end with whoever's living on the island... and then wide shot of the island with the clear blue water and cloudless sky. Then BAM!


And I will probably be crying.

Any shows you're in love with?

(Also.. I will soon post a pic of my tv, so it's easier to name.)


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